Guard Column Issue

Directory: 02 Peak Broadening file name: 01_peak_broadening

Note: There was no problems with mobile phase or needle wash or any method changes.

Symptom #

The analyte is Temazepam. The peak is broadened, almost to split for all three MRM.

Troubleshooting Tool and Root Cause #

Troubleshooting Tool:

  1. Q: Check the Maintenance Log.
    A: 615 injections.
  2. Q: Check the system suitability tests results.
    A: They like normal.

Root Cause: The guard column should be replaced at 500 injections, and there were 615 injections on it.

MSACL. LC-MSMS Troubleshooting 101: Tips and Tricks for Getting Started : PART 1
MSACL: The Basics of LC-MSMS Troubleshooting: Tools, Strategy, Cases